Lance Elam -Skin (Music Video) --- /For the Grown and Sexy /

Miss Independent Woman Documentary

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What's a Resolution? -By Rai

by Rai

Around the holidays,people start realizing the year is almost to an end. Maybe the things they had done weren't enough or perhaps they want more. But why wait? Resolutions are only excuses. Excuses to prolong the actions you can do at the present moment. Actions speak louder than words. People continuously say they don't have enough time,money,or space to so the things they would like to. They also say,"Maybe when blah blah blah" or "I will when I get whatever whatever". Excuses. Excuses.
Did you know the top 10 "resolutions" are to
-Loose Weight
-Spend more quality time with friends and family
-Save more money or spend less
-Find a "good" man or woman
-Quit drinking or smoking
-Get organized
-Travel more
-Learn something new
-Expand their sexual horizons
-Go back to school
All of those actions with planning,you can peruse without the start of a new year.
So stop year after year making the same "resolutions" and be thankful that you're seeing another year through all if the things you've overcome. Also thank the man above for the things you will endure--good and bad.


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