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Friday, March 9, 2012

Maybach Music Voice Over Girl Wants Money From Rick Ross


If you're in any way involved with hip-hop, then you're sure to have heard the trademark "Maybach Music" female voice over at the beginning of every Rick Ross record and major MMG single (Ma-Ma-Ma-Maybach Music [sometimes it's drawn out longer]), and while we've never really wondered who it was behind that signature, an exceptionally hot Australian model named Jessica Gomes was busy watching her vocals become universally recognized without receiving a cent.

Here's what she stated in a recent interview:

"Really! I need to be getting paid for these songs," Gomes said. "[Am I getting paid?] No! [Should I?] Now I do. Because it's hot and it's out there. [Have I talked to Ross about the voiceover?] No. Not at all. I haven't had a conversation with any of them about it." (Global Grind)

Gomes, who was recently revealed as the Maybach Music Group voice, recorded the infamous notes back in '08, and claims she recieved the opportunity through her chum, Jay-Z:

"Right, Jay-Z and Rick Ross. It was at the beginning of the ['Maybach Music'] track. It was another girl talking and then she says, 'What is this?' and I say 'It's Maybach music' and then we both say 'I like this Maybach music.' And we both go 'Sweet,'" she said. "We were just hanging out with friends in the studio and then it just happened. We got behind the mic, started talking and that was it, really. They decided to put it in their song and nothing came about. But now everyone's using my part where I say "Maybach Music." (Global Grind)

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Photo Credit The Fabian